Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ice sucks ass

It took me nearly 3 hours to drive to work today- sporting a menstrual migraine and heavy cramps. Lovely. Then at lunch, I crunched on something non-food. Part of my crown. No, not the tilted one on my head, but the one on my molar. Shit. I had dental insurance until 2 months ago. Shit.

It could have been worse!
When I finally *did* get to work, look what happened outside my office a mere 15 minutes after I got here.

Being Red Cross First Aid trained, I couldn't just stand by and watch, so I got in the back seat and helped stabilize the passenger's head. He wasn't wearing a seatbelt and his head went partially through the windshield, and then back again.
The driver, the passenger, and one of the passengers on the bus were taken to the hospital by ambulance. Here's another shot, of the firemen loading the passenger onto the stretcher. I'm in the blue coat (no more "yellow slickah", Maggie!). My hands are up in the air because they're covered with blood and shards of glass from the passenger's head and face. I didn't go get my kit from the car before heading to the wreck, unfortunately, so I didn't have my gloves on.

They'll all be ok, I think. The passenger was totally unresponsive, but conscious and breathing despite the many cuts, and bleeding from his mouth and nose. He never once even moaned, but he did try to move a couple of times so I had to restrain him some. I have a feeling he has some broken bones in his face (jaw or nose). He had some nasty cuts on his neck and was dripping blood. I know his first name was Will, and the driver was Jeff (I believe), but that's all I know about them. I wish I could follow up.
You can click on this link, scroll to the right, and look at "raw video footage" of the wreck, and then down a bit further there is a photo gallery with more pictures. The video says it took place on Kenwood Road, but it wasn't... it was on Victory Parkway in front of the Edgecliff Apartment building which is only 2 houses from my office.

Things can always be worse... right? At least I didn't go through the windshield today.


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