Monday, December 31, 2007

A Few Updates on "Today"

1. Edwards has no pulled ahead in Iowa. On the "Today" show this morning, Matt Lauer asked him what are the first to things he would work on if elected president. His answer: end the war and create socialized medicine in the US. Given those two answers... I still can't figure out how he came up as a top match for me in 2008. I am COMPLETELY against BOTH of those ideas. *shudder*

2. On the same segment this morning, Lauer failed to question Mike Huckabee's recent stupid-ass comments on Bhutto's death. I figured Lauer would have been all over that action, given MSM dislike of the Republican party.

3. WOW! "In the next half hour, we'll discuss the case of a 6 year old who won Hannah Montana tickets by lying about her soldier-daddy's death". It actually made MSM television coverage...!! The real father is a carpenter, who is alive and well. The store sponsoring the contest has since chosen a new winner. Is that really it? Will it end there?? I seriously think that legal action should be taken against the mother who wrote the essay as a "Christmas story" (that's what neighbors are saying she's calling the fake essay now. grrrrrr). When local reporters asked her about her essay, the little girl stammered and looked to her mom for what to say, leading me to believe that the mom wrote the essay, and then, after it won, told her daughter not to say anything about the essay or winning the contest. SHEESH.
Come on... surely this is fraud, or mail fraud!

... and with those updates.... I'm hitting the shower. Gotta go to work today for the first time in a week. BLECH


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