Friday, January 26, 2007

More from the DAYUM files....

Jim and Nell Hamm went out for a hike in California about 60 miles from the Oregon border when a mountain lion attacked Jim. According to Nell, "He didn't scream. It was a different, horrible plea for help, and I turned around, and by then the cat had wrestled Jim to the ground."

She grabbed a 4" diameter log and started beating the cat, but it didn't work. Jim, with his head firmly in the grasp of the wild cat, told her "I've got a pen in my pocket and get the pen and jab him in the eye." I don't know how she did it, but Nell got the pen out of her husband's pocket and attacked. "So I got the pen and tried to put it in his eye, but it didn't want to go in as easy as I thought it would."

Nell went back to beating the animal with the log after the pen bent and became useless. Finally, the cat let go. She then walked her husband to the trail head where they met up with a park ranger who called for help. Jim, 70, is in fair condition recovering from multiple wounds to his face, head, and body... and is insisting that they continue with their plans to visit New Zealand in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary next month.

Can you say "DAAAAYUMMMM"???


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