Friday, March 03, 2006

Creative Editing

You gotta love it.... NOT.

Remember when the MSM was reporting that Bush lied about the possibility of the levees failing in New Orleans? How about when the AP reported National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield told the president that the integrity of the levees was ‘a very, very grave concern’?

Here's what Mayfield REALLY said:
"I don’t think any model can tell you with any confidence right now whether the levees will be topped or not, but that’s obviously a very, very grave concern.”

He continued on to say that "Nobody talked about the possibility of a levee breach or failure until after it happened.”

I swear. The more I learn about stupid shit the press pulls, the less I trust them. On this issue, I *never* trusted them- I knew Bush wouldn't have lied about such a thing. Gov. Blanco gave Bush inaccurate information about the levees, a fact that has now been proven through the release of video taped meetings earlier this week. Blanco is shown saying "I think we have not breached the levee at this time" in a noon meeting, when in fact, the NWS issued a flood warning at 9:12am after receiving reports that the levees had, in fact, been breached. Blanco's statement came nearly four hours AFTER the NWS warning was issued.

By the time any action was taken, it had been over 12 hours, and the 15,000 people who evacuated to the Superdome were stuck. I stand by my original assessment: Nagin and Blanco misrepresented the situation in New Orleans, causing a delayed reaction by the Federal government.


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